Monday, March 30, 2009

Vocabulary Boot Camp Week 1

Vocabulary Boot Camp Week 1

1. avert

(verb) turn aside, or away; as, to avert the eyes from an object; to ward off, or prevent, the occurrence or effects of
"We did everything we could to avert the disaster, but it was not enough."

2. aspire

(verb) to hope or dream; especially to hope or work towards a profession or occupation
"Tomaš aspires to become an actor when he grows up."

3. coerce

(verb) compel by unethical means, force
"Max was coerced into making a donation to the Senator's campaign fund."

4. drastic

(adjective) extreme, severe
"The doctor had to take drastic measures to save the patient's life."

5. erratic

(adjective) irregular, unsteady, random; prone to unexpected changes
"The man's erratic behavior made everybody on the flight nervous."

6. fortify

(verb)strengthen, reinforce
"The government intended to fortify the levees surrounding New Orleans."

7. impose

(verb) establish or apply by authority; force something on someone; selfishly bother
"The government imposes taxes on the poor to pay for social programs for the rich."

8. overt

(adjective) open and observable; not secret or concealed
"The politician's disregard for the law was quite overt."

9. urban

(adjective) related to or located in the city
"People from urban areas have very different political views from people in rural areas."

Phrasal verbs

1. Bring about - cause

2. Call off - cancel

3. Get through - finish

4. Kick out (of) – Force (someone) to leave

5. Take up (something) – begin a new activity


1. like a fish out of water -

2. to feel like a million -

3. to break bread -

4. like a bat out of hell -

5. out like a light -